Supreme court Rulings — Hamdan and Razul

Heres a Fox News video link to Ted Olsen’s analysis of two rulings that impact our abilities in the war on terror, the Razul case and the Hamdan case. You might remember Ted from the election cases, he pled before the court and won on Bushes behalf. His wife, Barbara Olsen, was also aboard the plane that hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

Of Kings and Queens and Freedom

The American dream, the vision of freedom, is still here and alive in the United States, and it walks quietly and steadily beside us, a future vision of things to be. Here is where the dreams are made and where dreams become reality.

american-flag1.jpgI celebrated the fourth of July early, musing while I drove home from visiting my son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law. Rolling through the countryside across gentle hills and through green valleys I marveled at this land and our people. There were a thousand vistas along the way that would make a perfect home for either you or me.

Verdant vales and lush fields, corn across the plains, and wooded hills streamed past as I drove. A hundred, a thousand, a million perfect views of freedom, of happiness, of new places to build a house with a view, a farm with a windmill, a ranch with horses, a cottage beside a stream.

The American dream, the vision of freedom, is still here and alive in the United States, and it walks quietly and steadily beside us, a future vision of things to be. Here is where the dreams are made and where dreams become reality.  

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Saddam and Al Qaeda

Over at Pink Flamingo Bar and Grill Pierre Legrande has exhaustive and detailed analysis of all the links between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. The documentation, news links and other details go back to before Desert Storm, or the first gulf war.

The work and research put into this must have been monumental, it’s the place everyone should link to whenever you are refuting claims that “there’s no connection! there’s no connection!” (I am remembering one of the “if you can’t win the argument, then shout-it-down talking points Dems appearing on Fox News shortly after we invaded Iraq, can’t remember who it was.) Please bookmark this “oldy but goldy” post.

I also want to point out that Pierre has moved, here’s his new site, here’s the old site.

CAIR sics FBI agents on LGF

CAIR sics FBI agents on LGF

CAIR continues to try to silence the voices of those in the US who are against Islamofascism and Islamic Wahabbist Imperialism. First it was the JAWA report filtered by Google, now the FBI comes calling on Charles at Little Green Footballs for posts by a nutcase in the comments section of his blog, even though all comments are  fully disclaimed on the front page.

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Prachandra Baits Nepalese Army and Bides Time

To exist Communist Dictatorships must imprison, crush, or exile the free individual. Nepal’s fate remains in the hands of its people — will the new government keep the Maoist/Shining path thugs at bay, or will the dark night descend?

prachandra.jpgThe Nepalese people need to watch Prachandra closely — he continues to use threats of violence while at the same time he tries to remove the obstacle to his assumption of power.  He carries with him all the earmarks of a budding, fascist cult of personality dictator.

In a new interview he promises revolution in October (fancy that…) if his demands are not met. At the same time he wants to disband the army, while diminishing individual freedom and emphasizing central, state control.

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FBI arrests terrorist suspects in Miami

What is it with Florida and Terrorists? More raids there, FBI agents will release more on details Friday, but here’s whats being said now.

What is it with Florida and Terrorists? More raids there, FBI agents will release more on details Friday, but here’s whats being said now.

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Truth, Lies, and WMD

If you are from the left and think these weapons are degraded and not dangerous, then answer this question honestly: Can we lock you and your family in a room with one and open it up? (5K Iraqi’s died to just three of these shells.)

Let’s take the politics and the passion out of the debate for a short moment. WMD have undeniably been found. Whether these are “the weapons of mass destruction we went to war for” or not doesn’t matter. The politics don’t matter, what matters is that 500 highly dangerous weapons have been taken out of the hands of lunatics.

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Missile Defense Agency

it’s our right to protect ourselves, our allies, their neighbors, ships and aircraft in the area, or even endangered species it might pass near. In other words, we should shoot it down with any path near Japan, or any other allies.

With North Korea readying to launch it’s new Taepodong II missle, the nuclear table stakes just raised. On Tuesday, North Korea asserted that it has the right to test fire the missle with theoretical capability to reach the US, and I am going to agree with them.

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Sadaam’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) found.

Since 2003 Coalition forces have recovered aproximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.

The weapons of mass destruction that Sadaam Hussein had prior to the second war with Iraq have been found, 500 shells have been found with sarin and mustard gas in varying condition since 2003. See the full story at Captain’s Quarters, along with the Negroponte memo on the subject.

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