Murtha mouthings

Captain’s Quarters questions Murtha’s Sunday talk show appearance with good reason. Murtha is even more out of touch than the five parade generals who have suddenly gone silent.

Captain’s Quarters questions Murtha’s Sunday talk show appearance with good reason. Murtha is even more out of touch than the five parade generals who have suddenly gone silent. As I’ve written before and will again, few people who haven’t served in the past ten to fifteen years have a grasp of our capabilities, and the strategems and tactics we must use in the war we are in.

Happy Birthday Suu Kyi

In days ahead think of her as well; when you see moonbats demonstrating over minor things, when you see politicians screeching hyperbolic and meaningless rants, think of Suu Kyi, and what real leadership, courage, and persistence is.

aung San Suu Kyi protest.jpg

By Now you have probably tired of reading about the plight of Aung San Suu Kyi, however in a few hours it will be her 61st birthday. Suu Kyi’s tale is one of bravery, persistence, and unwavering loyalty to the cause of Freedom for the people of Burma (aka Myanmar in military junta-speak.)

Her tale is also a sad one, but wholly inspirational. For ten of the past seventeen years the miltary junta has either kept her imprisoned or under house arrest. She is alone but for two maids (minders for the junta,) and gets one visit from a doctor per month.

When her husband, dieing of cancer, tried to visit her they would not grant him a visit, and he died without seeing her again. They have taken the passports of her sons, and denied them visas. So Suu Kyi will be alone on her birthday again.

Continue reading “Happy Birthday Suu Kyi”

Nobel Laureates express solidarity with Aung San Suu Kyi

“The political and physical freedom of our colleague, Madame Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma, must be guaranteed,” he said. “We stand alongside Madame Aung San Suu Kyi, who is struggling for the development of democracy in her homeland.”

ap99_burma_aung_san_suu_kyi_may02file_may06_0.jpgNobel Laureates meeting in South Korea to discuss prospects for global peace were missing a member: Aung San Suu Kyi, kept under house arrest by the military junta in Burma / Myanmar. Below from a Voice of America News story, quoting Former South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung:

Mr. Kim called for Aung San Suu Kyi’s freedom, and expressed the hope that more global attention would be called to her plight.

The gathering went even further in acknowledging the Burmese activist, by drafting a formal declaration of solidarity with her. It was read aloud by Jonathan Granoff, of the Nobel-winning International Peace Bureau.

“The political and physical freedom of our colleague, Madame Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma, must be guaranteed,” he said. “We stand alongside Madame Aung San Suu Kyi, who is struggling for the development of democracy in her homeland.”

For more information see the previous article here.

EU in shambles

Meanwhile, one fifth of the poultry in the EU is determined to have salmonella, and the against this backdrop Europeans are flocking (pun intended) to organic food. Please, if salmonella and bird flu are rampant, give me the chicken that has the anti-biotic upbringing and preservatives added.

News from the EU summit paints a picture of dissolution and strife. They now have an action plan to revisit the constitution that failed to pass in two years, perhaps hoping for a better reception with voters at that point. Meanwhile they are beset with voter dissatisfaction over corruption at Airbus, and meet with silence the voters concern with the second home for the EU at Strasborg.

Continue reading “EU in shambles”

US Led Mountain Thrust continues to roll up Taliban

Continuing their offensive operations in the South East of Afghanistan, Operation Moutain Thrust continues to crush the Taliban

afghanistan_mountain_thrust.jpgContinuing their offensive operations in the South East of Afghanistan, Operation Moutain Thrust continues to crush the Taliban as forty five more terrorists allied with al-qaida were killed. Details at Yahoo news. As an update to an earlier post please note that VOA had an article up regarding the capture of a high profile Al-Quaida operative active in the shia south. The VOA article appears to have now dropped reference to this incident, and a search on “sheik akeel” turns up some interesting links. I did find the original text of the article here.

To the south, in Karbala, local officials say U.S. troops have arrested the sheikh Akeel al-Zubaidi who heads Karbala’s provincial council, a mainly Shi’ite group. There has been no report on the incident by U.S. military officials.

In a further update to a previous post where I speculated on use of Alexander the Great’s strategy for Afghanistan, Bill Roggio reports of a major Taliban defection, it appears that things are moving in a very positive direction in the Southeast of Afghanistan.

Continue reading “US Led Mountain Thrust continues to roll up Taliban”

Nepal Update — Promising news

In a development bright with promise the CPN/Maoists and Seven Party Alliance in Nepal have reached historic agreement. The outcome is the 8 point agreement, under which the two old governments will be dissolved and a new democratic government formed.

In a development bright with promise the CPN/Maoists and Seven Party Alliance in Nepal have reached historic agreement. The outcome is the 8 point agreement, under which the two old governments will be dissolved and a new democratic government formed. Prachandra appears to be cooperating and sincerely seeking peace and prosperity for the country.

Continue reading “Nepal Update — Promising news”

Today’s Quotes

“The principle feature of contemporary American liberalism is sanctimoniousness. By loudly denouncing all bad things — War and hunger and date rape — liberals testify to their own terrific goodness. More important, they promote themselves to membership in a self-selecting elite of those who care deeply about such things.

“The methods of the liberals were aptly and graphically hit off by the Trudikov Sedelnikov at a meeting on May 9th in the Pannina Palace. When a liberal is abused, he says “Thank God they didn’t beat me.” When he is beaten, he thanks God they didn’t kill him. When he is killed he will thank God that his immortal soul has been delivered from it’s mortal clay.”

— Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov


 Before Ann Coulter there was PJ O’Rourke:

“The principle feature of contemporary American liberalism is sanctimoniousness. By loudly denouncing all bad things – War and hunger and date rape — liberals testify to their own terrific goodness. More important, they promote themselves to membership in a self-selecting elite of those who care deeply about such things. People who care a lot are naturally superior to we who don’t care any more than we have to. By virtue of this superiority the caring have a moral right to lead the nation. It’s kind of a natural aristocracy, and the wonderful thing about this aristocracy is that you don’t have to be brave, smart, strong, or even lucky to join it, you just have to be liberal. Kidnapping the moral high ground also serves to inflate liberal ranks. People who are, in fact, just kindhearted are told that because they care, they must be liberals too.”  

— PJ O’Rourke, from the introduction of “Give War a Chance.” 


Zarqawi Docs and intel Lead to 759 captures, 104 dead terrorists

There will also be a third thrust — now that the Iraqi forces are proving effective the international media will turn on them. They will become “death sqauds” ill mannered collectives of militias, they will be torturers, and ultimately the more effective the Iraqis become the more they will be maligned. The left hates winners, as has been amply demonstrated throughout both the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.


Sorry for the misdirect, there was a DB crash and the blog is now crossed in link numbers due to recovery. So if you are looking for my Fourth of July post, it’s really here, or at the titled link above. 

Update: Heres a link to the article that contains the casualty and kill figures quoted above, courtesy Captain’s Quarters. Sorry for the sloppy blogging earlier, I posted while on a contentious conference call at work. A well appreciated visitor pointed out that I should link to the actual articles as well, thanks for the tip. The numbers quoted are really 759 captured, 104 confirmed kills.

Update II Breaking news, It’s being reported that US forces have captured a high value Al Qaida Operative, Sheikh Akeel — the only article I can find on this is from this morning’s India Daily. If it does turn out that Akeel was allied with Al Qaida it would explain the interuption of the scheduled conference by Al Maliki today.

Continue reading “Zarqawi Docs and intel Lead to 759 captures, 104 dead terrorists”

FLAG DAY and Microsoft Security Bulletins













          Today is Flag Day, also yesterday Microsoft released several security bulletins, if you have Gates gear then get out to windows update and get patched today.