Blog Archives

The Internet: for More Than Cats

This gallery contains 21 photos.

We’ve had a day and a half of pretty steady rain so I thought I would go down to the creek crossing and take some of those “water rushing by” photos like the one below. Unfortunately Kasey tangled her leash … Continue reading

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Yesterday’s Photos

This gallery contains 9 photos.

Here’s a gallery of the best photos from yesterday’s walk in no particular order. It’s really a mixed bag, I was shooting through a long telephoto with high aperture numbers, which means long shutter times for hand held telephoto shots. … Continue reading

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This gallery contains 5 photos.

Today we had a bit of hail during a heavy downpour. Leaves and twigs were stripped from the trees.

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Treed Squirrel

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Kasey treed this fellow in the Redbud, so I took the opportunity to get some photos.

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Morning Walk

This gallery contains 24 photos.

A gallery from a morning walk a while back; while many of these are photographic cliches when you have fog and morning light you still have to take them. Click to embiggen…

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