Monthly Archives: August 2009

Chrysochroa Rugicollis

Chrysochroa Rugicollis This is a specimen in a glass case from Malaysia, (look close you can see the dust on the glass) I took this picture on the lawn for the lighting and to give an idea of scale with … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Blogging, Science | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Fork and Screen: New Movie Experience

Fork and Screen: New Movie Experience As part of my wife’s birthday gift the kids took us to see the latest Harry Potter movie at AMC’s new “Fork and Screen” theater in Olathe. It seems a bit spendy when you … Continue reading

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Health Care Bill:The Advanced Care Planning Section

Health Care Bill:The Advanced Care Planning Section This particular section of the Health Care bill is causing quite a bit of controversy, the response from the hard religious right is that “Obama wants to euthanize old people!” and the response … Continue reading

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