Category Archives: The Future

Posts about the Future

The Century of Freedom

The drive back from Tulsa was beautiful, the fall is the best time of year in the midwest — the temperature is perfect, there’s always a breeze and the sun is shines from a porcelain blue sky. You pass by the waving fields preparing … Continue reading

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Missle Shot down in Space by Raytheon, Star Wars Does Work

Raytheon and Boeing just shot one down for the Gipper, on September 1st they took out a missile in space with their GMD system and the Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehicle: (Don’t you love engineer-speak? Just call it EKV for short.) Continue reading

Posted in Science, Technology, The Future | 2 Comments

Environmentalists Lied – People Died!

To help you achieve that please go to your kitchen cabinet now, get out he Reynold’s wrap and construct a tin-foil hat. This is a necessary implement to block out intrusive things such as critical thinking, reality, and reason; alternately if you are lazy and don’t want to construct a hat you can just take a lot of drugs instead like many in the left do when faced with reality. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Energy, Freedom, Politics, Science, The Future | 2 Comments

Space Shuttle, STS-121 Returns SAFELY!

The Space Shuttle took the first window of opportunity and fired a burn to de-orbit about fifty minutes ago. STS-121 is on a re-entry path to Florida and Kennedy Space Center atd the Cape, and should touch down about 8:16 CDT. Update: Shuttle lands safely.
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Rod Adams Calls Carl Pope out

I am wondering if Carl will respond: see the Sierra Club’s Excutive Director’s latest inanities Uber-Fisked here. Continue reading

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Nepal needs new leadership

Nepal is atop a peak sharply divided by light and dark, is it for them the dusk or the dawn of the day? The easy path of accomodating evil by a little here, a little there, always leads downhill to the edge of a cliff above a bloody abbatoir. I have written here regarding the bloody dimmed legacy of communism last century, I hope the Nepalese do not choose the easy path.

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Of Kings and Queens and Freedom

The American dream, the vision of freedom, is still here and alive in the United States, and it walks quietly and steadily beside us, a future vision of things to be. Here is where the dreams are made and where dreams become reality. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Freedom, Politics, The Future | 3 Comments