What I’m listening to this week: May 25 2013

I’m a bit rushed because I’m still catching things up after returning from vacation, so I’m not going to lay out the pics and links that you usually get with these posts, but here’s this week’s list:

  • New Politics: Bad Girl in Harlem – I wager you will find at least two songs you like on this, the lead hit is “Tonight you’re perfect”.
  • Daft Punk: Random Access Memories – I picked up five songs, and they are in heavy rotation in two song lists, lead hit is “Get Lucky”.
  • Prince is Featured on the new 3rdEyeGirl single, “Fixurlifeup” & I recommend it
  • Mayer Hawthorne also has a new single, smooth as usual “Her Favorite Song”
  • The Postelles: …And it Shook Me – I really like “Pretend it’s Love”
  • Slash is featured on The Dead Daisies new Single “Lock and Load” it’s a straight up tribute to all rock Southern.
  • Meeting of Important People : My Ears are Having an Heart Attack – two songs that I like are on this one.
  • Blondfire : Where the Kids Are — “Waves” could be mistaken for a mellow Beth Ditto number.
  • RHCP : Hometown Gypsy — it starts out as what my old friend from the Hillside would call a “Chicken Scratcher” but has the usual RHCP groovy lyrics and rhythm breaks. (“all jacked up on Kerouac..”, etc.)

67 Year Old Steve Mitura Shredding Valdez Alaska from moss halladay on Vimeo.

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