Communism is like rust

Communism is like rust, in that it never sleeps.

Communism is like rust in that it never sleeps. See this great article in American Thinker about Ken Livingston, the Brit’s latest apologist for Communist tyranny. Communism without doubt was the greatest evil of last century, and it’s sad that the dregs of the movement in the west still wriggle on occasion.

More on Ken at Pajamas media.

Sean Penn to weep before Congress

Get ready for another liberal mythology movie just prior to elections in ’08. Sean Penn is signed to play Richard Clarke, as Drudge forwards this report. This looks to be a block-DUDster.

Christopher Isham Reports:

Former White House counter-terrorism official Richard Clarke, now an ABC News consultant, will be portrayed by Sean Penn in the Sony film of Clarke’s “Against All Enemies.”   The book chronicles what happened inside the White House leading up to and through the 9/ll attacks. The film will be directed by Paul Haggis.

Army issues campaign ribbons for GWOT


Washington D.C. – The Army will begin recognizing the heroic contributions of its units toward the Global War on Terror June 15 with the award of campaign participation credit to units that served and/or are serving in the theater of operations supporting the GWOT.

Three new streamers will be awarded to those units who qualify: one for service in Afghanistan, embroidered “AFGHANISTAN;” one for service in Iraq, embroidered “IRAQ;” and one for service in other such geographic regions as Kuwait, Qatar or the Horn of Africa, embroidered “GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM.”

Bush needs no defending, but I’m going to

Venting never accomplishes much except to make you feel better for the moment. It’s time to stop the chorus of catcalls aimed at George W. Bush — we knew where he stood on immigration when we voted him into office in 2000, and we knew where he stood when we voted him in again in 2004. Please don’t even think to pretend that you never heard him utter the words “guest workers” in his campaign speeches. If I didn’t know better, I would think that some Republicans have lost will to persevere and and are now trying with the democrats to get our president impeached. That will be the result if we continue this much longer.

I am happy that some Republicans are finding out what the democrats knew by mid-2002 — that once George W. Bush settles on a principle he does not waver from it. You and I might not agree with his stance on immigration, nor his stance on border protection. Crabbing about it is ineffective, and has potential to impact greatly more important priorities. We are nearing the fifth year in the global war on terror, and it’s time folks remembered what priorities are. If you need a reminder, please go visit the milblogs, or counterterrorism blog awhile. Or just visit this post at Gateway Pundit. It wasn’t a mistake that George W. Bush called it the third world war the other day.

I would like better border protection, and an end to importing poverty, and other things, but crabbing at Bush doesn’t aid the cause a whit. Just as the Maginot line was a joke, so too in the end will be a fence on the border without interior enforcement. Yes, we should do what we can, but we cannot afford to be distracted from the war, unappetizing as it is, nor can we afford to lose the senate or house. [Note: Advice not followed, we lost both in 2006.]

If you want to have impact, please focus your efforts instead on the Senate. Focus your efforts on your local law enforcement agencies, your state and city legislatures. They after all are the ones who have decided that enforcing federal drug and saftey belt law is important, but that enforcing immigration law is something they can ignore. It would be a wonderful thing to have ballot initiatives in most states this November making it manditory for state, city, and county law enforcers and public agencies to enforce our federal laws – right now they are being selective.

In the states where they choose not to do this they will suffer over time, but maybe you can help fix your state.

Work on your congress critter to enhance process and funding between local agencies and ICE, if we were spending as much money there as we are on drug intervention, then over the next two to three years we could easily decrease the illegal immigrant population by several millions just leveraging the local agencies and law enforcement resources in place. No matter how many ICE agents we put in place, they are never going to be as effective as your local agencies.

Hamas vs. Fatah, none dare call it Civil War

As the friction between the warring Palestinian factions heats up and the deaths mount, where are the worried-looking talking heads speaking of insurrection and civil war? Maybe they aren’t there because they haven’t figured out an angle to pin this on President Bush yet. You know they would be recounting this round the clock if this sort of thing were happening against the Government in Iraq. See full report at Gateway Pundit, more at Little Green Footballs.

Update: maybe somebody is reading my scribbling here. Either that or I take it back.


Yes, I admit I have been slacking. Right now the telecommunications company I work for is racing to deliver the promise of our Merger and the pace is a bit murderous. We have to make certain to deliver for our shareholders by meeting or beating the expectations of the infamous “guys on the street” so there’s no forgiveness on any targetted dates – and it’s my job to be the unforgiving one who takes hostages if it looks like dates are in jeopardy.

That makes for some long days and evenings, and on top of that I’m trying to put things in order before vacation. If things work out well and the spot we go to has internet, maybe I will get some of the back log of articles off the docks here.

Here’s what’s piled up in queue atm:

Dystopic Vision or Eutopic Vision?

The Romans built roads

States Rights, States Duties, and State of revolt

and of course several more energy articles, we’ve barely scratched the surface there yet.

Chomsky is Chummy With Hezzbullah

Who was it who said that secular socialists wouldn’t ally with religious jihadists?

Anchor: The leftist MARXIST Jewish American intellectual Noam Chomsky toured Al-Khiyam Prison at the end of his visit to Lebanon. He declared that the victory achieved by the resistance is a victory for all the peoples that fight injustice and oppression.

President Bush Illegal immigration speech

It was compelling, and Bush did make a good case, probably one of the better speeches he’s given. I think he truly believes what he is saying, and he is going to stick by his principles hell or highwater. I have to respect him for that although I disagree with him on two points from his speech. Continue reading “President Bush Illegal immigration speech”