300 Taliban Sent to Graves

Nato forces have cornered a large contingent of Taliban fighters, and they are taking them apart piecemeal. Meanwhile, “Taliban Bob” still has the home phone number of a Reuters reporter and keeps calling in to say the equivalent of “There are no American Tanks in Baghdad!”

Nato forces have cornered a large contingent of Taliban fighters, and they are taking them apart piecemeal. Meanwhile, “Taliban Bob” still has the home phone number of a Reuters reporter and keeps calling in to say the equivalent of “There are no American Tanks in Baghdad!”

Continue reading “300 Taliban Sent to Graves”

The Path to 9/11

The left is google bombing the Path To 9/11, because they can’t stand the light of even a little truth. Here’s the link to the docudrama at ABC, let’s hope they don’t over-edit.

The left is google bombing the Path To 9/11, because they can’t stand the light of even a little truth. Here’s the link to the docudrama at ABC, let’s hope they don’t over-edit.

Others blogging:

Captain’s Quarters

Little green footballs

If you’ve been reading Noblesse awhile, you know my posts usually are not this brief, this is a tag post to counter the g-bomb.

Continue reading “The Path to 9/11”

More Al Qaeda Deaths and Captures in Iraq

The moral of the story: If you really want to know what’s going on, you better be reading foreign papers and agencies, not AP or Reuters.

It’s a sad fact that the reporting in the Pakistan Observer and IRNA is better for what is going on in Iraq than AP and Reuters. Both foreign papers are carrying the headlines on how more Al Qaeda operatives (14) have been killed immediately following the capture of the Al Qaeda #2 leader in Baghdad, and that 200 further arrests have been made.

Continue reading “More Al Qaeda Deaths and Captures in Iraq”

That San Francisco Thing

If you want a rundown on that San Francisco thing, the best facts are here, and pics are at Gateway Pundit.

I am going to refrain from commenting on motive simply because I got burned jumping to conclusions here. This one seems exceedingly clear to me however, follow the links and judge for yourselves.

That’s one of things I love about blogging and bloggers — it’s your face and your reputation out there, if you make an error you better correct it, and make the correction obvious. No page 20 retractions allowed for bloggers.

Media Callousness, a Tale of Horror from India

This is a tale of a burning man, told with clarity on Suhasini Haid-Ar’s blog at IBN in India. It demonstrates the extreme distance some journalists put themselves from conscience and morals. Please do not follow this link nor read the sad tale if you are faint of heart. I for one will not sleep easy tonight.

This is a tale of a burning man, told with clarity on Suhasini Haid-Ar’s blog at IBN in India. It demonstrates the extreme distance some journalists put themselves from conscience and morals. Please do not follow this link nor read the sad tale if you are faint of heart. I for one will not sleep easy tonight.


I guess you can’t blame the people (including apparently, 1 state minister) for not being able to help. But I do blame all of them,yes,including fellow journalists, for not even trying. Capturing dramatic events on tape is what keeps our livelihood, but allowing people to die as we watch takes away our humanity.

How do you say Moonbat in German?

We aren’t the only country infested with moonbats it seems. In Germany they are slightly off-message: there they think it’s Blair and Murdoch, not Rove-Cheney-Bush. The symptoms seem quite similar however. Click the english link on the main page if you can’t read German, here’s an excerpt from the article quoted from Online Journal:

According to knowledgeable sources in the UK and other countries, the Tony Blair government, under siege by a Labor Party revolt, cleverly cooked up a new “terror” scare to avert the public’s eyes away from Blair’s increasing political woes. British law enforcement; neocon and intelligence operatives in the United States, Israel, and Britain; and Rupert Murdoch’s global media empire cooked up the terrorist plot, liberally borrowing from the failed 1995 “Oplan Bojinka” plot by Pakistan- and Philippines-based terrorist Ramzi Ahmad Yousef to crash 11 trans-Pacific airliners bound from Asia to the United States. In the latest plot, it is reported that liquid bombs were to be detonated on 10 trans-Atlantic planes outbound from Britain to the United States.

UPDATE: The answer is Mondfliegenmaus !

Green Helmet Rides Again

The propaganda meister from Hezbollah shows his directorial talent on you tube.

The propaganda meister from Hezbollah shows his directorial talent on you tube. We can joke about green helmet all we want, the terrible part is that even though most westerners recognize this as base propaganda, in tyrannical countries where the news is filtered, this is the truth. Note that green helmet’s dead body puppets from three or more weeks ago are running beside a current article on the strike at Houla from a few days ago in Iranian Media.

This clearly demonstrates the need for Radio Free Iran.

Sweeping Epidemic of Integrity Strikes Journalists Worldwide

Ok, so I am being sarcastic, and as Alisa Rosenbaum says, sarcasm is the weapon of the weak. It does appear that the NYT, CBS, and Reuters are not the only ones with integrity issues. See this from Pravda

Ok, so I am being sarcastic, and as Alisa Rosenbaum says, sarcasm is the weapon of the weak. It does appear that the NYT, CBS, and Reuters are not the only ones with integrity issues. See this from Pravda:

Freelance writer Bjoern Benkow said in a statement that the interviews, published in Norwegian and Swedish media, were partially concocted because of financial “desperation,” newspaper Verdens Gang reported.

The acknowledgment came after Microsoft Norway said last week that an interview with Gates, printed in the Norwegian magazine Mann and top-selling Swedish tabloid daily Aftonbladet, was “totally fake.”

Benkow claimed he spoke to Gates during a two-hour commercial flight in Europe, but Microsoft officials said Gates had not been on that plane

One other note — I like the photo slideshows at Pravda a lot more than those at Reuters, perhaps they should take a cue.

Fear and Loathing in the Media

Americans witness the New York Times, Reuters, and CBS news with bemused horror, leviathans trapped in the primordal ooze of last century’s worldview while the nimble furry predators of the internet savage their dieing carcasses. UPDATE: REUTERS GETS THINGS DRASTICALLY WRONG AGAIN, IS HEZBOLLAH THEIR MAJORITY STOCKHOLDER?

UPDATE II: New York Times Tyler Hicks learns Photo Theater too!


Americans witness the New York Times, Reuters, and CBS news with bemused horror, leviathans trapped in the primordal ooze of last century’s worldview while the nimble furry predators of the internet savage their dieing carcasses.

Continue reading “Fear and Loathing in the Media”

Photos, lies, and photoshop

Charles at Little Green Footballs is pointing out a probably doctored photo at Reuters, see the LGF article here.

Meanwhile, Silent Running catches secondary explosions from an AP photo, probable ammo or missile fuel explosion after the Israeli hit in a civilian area. It’s a spectacular photo so I can see why AP is running with it, but the significance of the secondary fireball is beyond them.