Democratic Strategy Underwhelmingly Embarrassing

So it’s quite telling that the Democratic Leadership dropped their election strategy for ’06 late on a Friday afternoon at the beginning of silly season.

We are about to start into silly season — in traditional news days, this was the season when there wasn’t much going on. This is because across America folks are out of school, on vacation, bar-b-queing, and planning weddings. Americans aren’t paying much attention to the news, and shortly there isn’t going to be a lot of news to report – Congress will be out of session, and politicos will be on vacation as well. 

 In times now gone forever, the hot, lazy days of summer were for stories on UFO investigations, top reporters interviewing psychics, and the yellow press resorting to headlines like this:

Boy Trapped in Freezer Eats Own Foot to Survive!”

 Another news tradition of the beltway crowd is to dump bad or embarrassing news late on a Friday afternoon, in the hopes that something will overwhelm it before Monday. Besides that, American’s don’t much watch the news on weekends – it’s a way of downplaying bad things.

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Newt takes on Greenpeace and Global Warming

Newt Gingrich exposes Greenpeace anti-nuclear energy demagogery in this soundbite. Next he takes on global warming here.

winning the future.jpgNewt Gingrich exposes Greenpeace anti-nuclear energy demagogery in this soundbite. In the sidebar at Newt’s site are more audio commentaries, try the one on global warming as well. From the Greenpeace memo:

 “Fill in alarmist and armageddonist factoid here”

Nuclear Storage needed now

In a balanced article at the SF Chronicle they detail most of the issues surrounding fuel storage, and the reasons why we need to get the Yucca Mountain Storage facility in place.

In a balanced article at the SF Chronicle they detail most of the issues surrounding fuel storage, and the reasons why we need to get the Yucca Mountain Storage facility in place. Either that or the lawyers need to get out of the Goshutes way.

Saturday Hodgepodge

Here’s another reason for the demonstrations against the current government of Iran in Azerbaijan — the rantings of Ahmadinejad against Israel might interupt a major source of revenue for the region. Israel buys 40,000 barrels of oil a day from the Azerbaijan region.

Oil for Israel and Europe from Azerbaijan

Here’s another reason for the demonstrations against the current government of Iran in Azerbaijan — the rantings of Ahmadinejad against Israel might interupt a major source of revenue for the region. Israel buys 40,000 barrels of oil a day from the Azerbaijan region.

Upsurge of Attacks by Taliban in Afghanistan leads to Taliban deaths

While the MSM will paint these attacks as losses for the US and the Afgan government of Karzai, they are largely victories. Masses of taliban fighters are being called back by Mullah Omar and others, and they are dieing in masses. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing.

Continue reading “Saturday Hodgepodge”

Wind Schism

Anthonares delves into the schisms appearing in the green camp over wind power in this article. It’s well written, and details some of the philosophies underneath the agendas, as I’ve pointed out here in some past posts. (right sidebar, Energy pages I, II, III.)

Continue reading “Wind Schism”

Nuclear Update – Bogus Surveys appearing

In a sign of the desperation seizing the environmental lobbies now that Kyoto is being questioned or even thrown by the wayside by some of the signatories, several groups are now lobbying against nuclear power. They see the coming dissolution of all the plans and organizations they’ve put together in the intervening years: the grants, the jobs, the public speaking engagements, the press, the notoriety, and the subsidies — all for things that do not work.

Continue reading “Nuclear Update – Bogus Surveys appearing”

Non-Nuclear ICBMs

To update an earlier post on this, see the new Reuters story on non-nuclear Trident II missle use here.

The International Herald Tribune said the weapon would be a non-nuclear version of the submarine-launched Trident-2 missile and be part of a president’s arsenal when considering a pre-emptive attack.

The report quoted military officials as saying it could be used to hit terrorist camps, enemy missile sites, suspected caches of weapons of mass destruction and other urgent threats.

91px-Khatami-and-Ahmadinejad.jpgShould Ahmadinejad be worried, or are Iran’s nuclear ambitions and continual threats against Israel not an urgent threat?

Germany visits the edge of the Non-Nuclear Power abyss

In Germany politicians earlier made committment to eliminate nuclear power from Germany by 2021 after unrelenting pressure over the last 20 years from the Greens. This even though Nuclear supplies 30% of Germany’s energy at present. After the trick Gazprom pulled with the Ukraine perhaps they ought to rethink that committment. See this article at Deutsch Welle for the details.

“Nuclear power will also be on the agenda,” said Jürgen Rüttgers of the Christian Democratic party (to which Merkel belongs) and premier of North Rhine-Westfalia. “The Social Democratic party and Green party can’t ignore the question of where 30 percent of our energy in Germany is to come from in the future,” said Rüttgers, referring to the amount nuclear plants have supplied until now.

In another sign of change as well, the Greens are shifting from their environmental roots as Realos gains ascendency over Fundis.

Dems and RINOs kill offshore drilling

It appears Congress wants both us and our children dependent on despots and tyrants for energy.

There was good news for our energy future earlier with GE opening a nuclear power plant factory, but now the RINOs and DEMs have killed offshore drilling again. Haven’t you had enough of this? It appears Congress wants both us and our children dependent on despots and tyrants for energy.

Please take a moment to write your congress-critter and give them a piece of your mind on the topic. One note: this ammendment killed offshore drilling so a yes vote means your congress critter was against offshore drilling. One of those things our elected representatives do to obscure the truth from us.