The Mainstream Press begins to notice what conservative bloggers did awhile ago in the wake of Michelle Obama’s statement about being proud of her country “for the first time.” To put it kindly, Barack is ambivalent towards displays of Patriotism.
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|It really rips me that someone who is running for the highest office of this
country does not have the intelligence to know how to honor the flag nor
the pledge to it. All of the candidates “Should” be facing the flag if visible and the music if not visible. On Michelle Obama’s remark about being
proud of the country, she really stepped in it that time. Perhaps these
people who are preaching change will really change the things most people
in this nation don’t want to see changed. If I remember, Adolf Hitler used
some of the same rhetoric and got change but not the kind that the world
Barak & Michelle Obama are citizens of the world. They attribute international hostilities to overheated nationalism, an obsolete political solution to cultural conflicts. Barak Obama also attributes the cause of warfare among nations in great measure to the arrogance and global ignorance of the United States of America.
That is who they are and what they believe. They are not patriotic, but they do not see themselves as ungrateful or disloyal. The see themselves as having gratitude for the political institutions and civil rights legislation that made possible their own rise from humble beginnings to a full realization of their own human potential. They see themselves as owing loyalty to their personal ethos, and the larger and higher ideals of internationalism. They are first allied with their ethnic heritage and family ties, second with their socialism, and third with the benevolent global family of humanity. They are what they are. It is a form of integrity that prevents them from what they consider jingoistic flag waving, lapel pins, anthems, pledges and the like–they answer to a higher purpose.
I’m just sayin’
Yes, that sums up what’s wrong Joan. I almost could not have said it better.
Suddenly I feel like singing imagine by John Lennon…
Maybe it was the terrible singer? Damn, that was bad.
Anyway, the last hockey game I went to…hmmm…I’m guessing maybe 25% actually put hand on heart. America-hating bastards, all.
Who is Tark?
Tark posts here, he’s my evil twin.
Forgot to mention, Ma Sands says hi.
That’s nice. You guys are welcome to stop by the Chamber any time. BTW Sage does on occasion.
My vote for best National Anthem at athletic event used to be Ditzie Chits at Superbowl, but now I strongly recommend “Cactus Cuties” singing the national anthem at a basketball game… close harmonies, the vibrancy of youth, practice, discipline and a beautiful high-yodel on “….land of the fre-EE…”
Hope to hear more of them…
/don’t even get me started on this crotch-grabbing, America-hating Arab-in-black-clothing scamster…
Barak Obama is a stupid jerk that hates his own country. He sat through
15 years of sermons from that jerk Pastor and never had the nerve or the
courage to tell the old fool to shut up.
I will tell him….. Rev. Jer. A. Wright – shut up! Take your hate with you!
Suddenly, Roseanne Barr’s version of the Anthem sounds a whole lot better.
It’s actually pretty simple.
The tradition of holding one’s hand over one’s heart originally began with the Pledge of Allegiance. This gesture has never been formally been a part of tradition when singing the National Anthem. Many people do it, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that, but it’s not part of formal tradition. Removing one’s hat, however, is.
ChenZhen mentions a good point. Next time you go to a large sporting event and the National Anthem is played, take notice of how few actually place their hands over their hearts.
Dudley and Chen: Barack’s not a sports fan at a game, he’s running for President of the United States of America. Show me a picture or video of a past President not placing their hand over their heart during the National Anthem.
Well I think patriotism is more than simple symbolic gestures like this, and I would consider the arduous task of running for the POTUS as a sign that one loves his/her country.
BTW- Tark?
Sorry Dudley but I disagree. When I was growing up EVERYONE put their hand over their heart for the Pledge or National Anthem. Even more so during WW II. It has only been since the Boomer generation came along that things have gone to hell in this country.
IMHO I am convinced that most in the Democrat Party and other Left Wing Wacko organizations are the dregs left over from the Haight-Ashbury/Woodstock era.
Many men and women died protecting and defending our Country. Not honoring the Flag or the Anthem, to me, is spitting on their graves and saying they don’t appreciate what these people gave. It’s not about politics, it’s about who and what we are.
Patriotism is more than putting your hand on heart during the national anthem, it’s much more. Not putting your hand on heart as a presidential candidate however is very telling.
I thought I answered your question about Tark. He’s my evil twin.
Telling of what? You challenged me to come up with one president who hadn’t, so assuming one doesn’t exist, there’s no precident for a non-heart-placing president. I suppose the only thing that we could be certain that it’s telling, is that he’s like the majority of the people at a sporting event (as I mentioned earlier), all of whom aren’t really worried if someone is going to question their patriotism.
Re: Tark
More like a younger brother, born in the land of lost passwords?
/just in case we bump into each other over there
Chen, your’re going circular on me here, we’ve been here done that, got anything else?
Obama is like nearly 90% of his generation. they have been taught they are victims and rose through the enducation system taught by socialists who hate America.
Is it any wonder he lacks he simpest decorum of patriotic knowledge?
I will bet that he does know all about income redistribution and the poor’s rights to your possessions.