Iran’s state of nuclear development

In Luttwak’s new Commentary piece there is a lot of well-researched detail and information about the state of Iran, it’s weapons program, and the population. This is important background to understand whether you agree with his conclusions or not. Thanks and a hat tip to Jerry Pournelle.

Right now I agree with Luttwak, but if they are still raving in a year my patience is done. It’s important to allow Free Iraq and Free Afghanistan influence a while.

Swedish hostage taker retires

Little Green Footballs article on Sweden inviting HAMAS. 

The Swedish bank robber responsible for the term “stockholm syndrome” turned himself in today. Swedish Authorities let him go so he can collect his pension when he retires soon…

 Meanwhile Sapo (Swedish FBI) searches for the accomplices of a man who burned an Iraqi polling place.

and finally a grenade is found near a sandbox.



The Martyrs the MSM doesn’t show.  The booming economy the MSM doesn’t show at Gateway Pundit.

Also Germany creates new methods to achieve citizenship, one component of which is that you must learn German. The MSM isn’t going to tell you this either, since Germany is one of the countries at the forefront of the multi-cultural movement.

This guy sounds like he belongs on the 9th circuit court of appeals.



While lawmakers should be enabling refinery builds, oil drilling, nuclear plants, trans-continental high speed rail, border security, an end to judicial filibustering, Genocide in Darfur, or any one of hundreds of other things that actually concern Americans, Christopher Smith is worried about prostitution in Germany… argggggggggggg.

Here’s an excellent article from Brussels Journal that speaks for itself so well, it’s a must read.

 Above all, at home and abroad, the “concerned” want “diplomacy” to be let to do the job. Regrettably, diplomacy depends on credibility and that is a derivate of the bayonets that back it up.


NSA Spying? Worry more about Google, Yahoo, and Cisco

To all of you tinfoil-hat wearing liberals worried about Bush and the NSA, here’s where your focus should be instead. 

For those who support freedom of internet reporting, here’s an interesting site:

                       Reporters Without Borders

New World report just out today: 2005 World report

Pseudo-Hillary gets Recalled…


Commander in Chef………. canceled.

And in more interesting news, try to picture how they got this guy out of the stall…

 And in the things get weirder everyday category…. I will cop to the fact that I have paid real, hard currency dollars for virtual things in an imaginary world…. what’s strange is the turn this has taken….. See the articles in Wired, AP, and Business Week…. Continue reading “Pseudo-Hillary gets Recalled…”